3 Reasons Why It’s Important To Limit Social Media

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I don’t know about you, but I am on social media almost daily. It’s the platform I use to write my blog, to run my online digital shop, to minister to others through sharing the word of God. It’s a part of my life. But lately, I have started feeling burned out from it. I think social media can be an excellent tool, but it can also cause a lot of pain, exhaustion, confusion, and unnecessary comparison and feelings of not being or feeling enough. This is where I found myself at the end of December.

As I was preparing content to write and share for the new year and month of January, I suddenly began to feel completely empty. I wasn’t sure what “new” things I could say that I hadn’t said before. I didn’t immediately turn this over to God, but once I did, He reminded me that I didn’t have to constantly create and push out new content daily or even weekly if I didn’t want to. After all, who was I working for? For Him or for my followers? Ultimately the answer is Him. As I began to see this truth, peace rushed over me. I realized I didn’t have to post, write, or create content if it wasn’t spirit-led. The fear of losing followers or readers kicked in, but again…God reminded me that He is much bigger than social media. It is for His glory, not mine.

Last month, I decided to slow down, to pause, to limit my social media use and this is what happened as a result to my obedience. 

1. Being present.

It feels so great to live life as it’s happening and not rush to post and share every little aspect of it online. I know this may sound silly, but I started forgetting how to live without being attached to my phone all the time. If I don’t capture a photo or video of something precious, it is okay. I got to experience it first person with my very own eyes, not through the lens of my phone as I record it. My anxiety and stress levels are down, because I am also focusing more on moment by moment, instead of worrying or thinking about tomorrow or the future. I have been able to experience more, listen more, speak more, and be more without my phone. 

2. Feeling and being more content.

Not scrolling my newsfeed and getting caught in a trap of comparison or envy has been so good for my soul. Instead of wasting time looking at what others have, I have been able to look around and see what blessings God has given me. Whether it’s being thankful for the morning walk I get to have with my husband most mornings or being able to eat dinner together as a family. I am more content with what I do have, than with what I don’t. 

3. Spending more time with God.

This one is the most important one to me. Since I have started to limit my social media use, I have had more time to spend with God. He has given me peace and rest in ways I have not experienced in years. While I still find it important to share His Word with others through social media, it’s more important that I spend time growing, knowing, and being in relationship with my Father. My prayer life has grown so much in the last month. I have felt and heard Him more in the last month, than I have ever felt and heard Him before. I feel incredibly rested and secure in where I am in this season and what God has called me to put my focus in. I am less distracted by the things of this world and more connected to Him than ever before.

Have you ever thought about limiting your social media use? If so, start off small. Set times for when you can be on it and when you know you shouldn’t. If that doesn’t seem enough for you, start removing a few days a week where you go completely without it. I do this on Saturday as I honor it to be my Sabbath. This is the day where I refrain from social media for an entire 24 hours, sometimes even more. I wrote an entire blog post about what I learned since doing that here. Can I say how honestly freeing that feels? My prayer for you is that you are able to experience the true joy from what being present feels like, not only feeling but being more content in this life, and most importantly, that you spend more time with our Father God. Living life unplugged is so refreshing for the soul.