How To Stand Rooted In Your True Identity By Starting Each Morning In God’s Word

How To Stand Rooted In Your True Identity By Starting Each Morning In God’s Word

If you’re not a morning person like me, you’ll understand how hard morning routines truly are. I cannot tell you how many books, articles, blog posts, etc. that I have read on how to have a “successful start” to my morning. And while most of what is written is good, it wasn’t enough. I still felt empty. I still felt unsatisfied. I still felt like there was something missing to truly set up my day in a way that would help me know I didn’t have to figure everything out on my own….or even check everything off my to-do list. That’s when I discovered that there’s something beautiful that happens when I start each morning in God’s Word. 

Why It’s Important To Not Engage In Diet-Talk With Yourself Or Others

Why It’s Important To Not Engage In Diet-Talk With Yourself Or Others

If you’ve been following my “New Year Without Shame From Diet Culture” blog series, then you know that today is part 3. In part 1, I shared with you 3 ways to improve your well-being without focusing on weight loss, body manipulation, or food restricting. In part 2, I emphasized the importance in finding joy in your physical movement/exercise. In part 3, (today) I will share why it’s important to not engage in diet-talk with yourself or others because let’s be honest, it can be really hard to stand above and resist diet culture. But, I’m here to remind you that you do not have to participate in conversations about diet or weight loss, if you do not want to. Even if others still decide to. 

Why It’s Important To Find Joy In Your Physical Movement/Exercise

Why It’s Important To Find Joy In Your Physical Movement/Exercise

Have you ever asked yourself what is the driving force and true motive behind why you workout or why you want to start working out? If you have, have you answered yourself truthfully? Have you really dug deep and been honest and transparent with yourself about this? As I shared last week with you, this one subject has caused and brought me a lot of pain and confusion. For the past almost 8 years, I have worked out with the intention of either weight loss, weight maintenance, or body manipulation. While these three reasons sound “normal,” the truth is, these shouldn’t be the true motives behind our desire to either exercise or start exercising. If you have worked out because of these same reasons, I want you to give yourself grace, but also know that you don’t have to do this anymore.

3 Ways To Improve Your Well-Being Without Focusing On Weight Loss, Body Manipulation, Or Food Restricting

3 Ways To Improve Your Well-Being Without Focusing On Weight Loss, Body Manipulation, Or Food Restricting

I don’t know about you, but I am seeing diet talk everywhere! In the checkout isles as I buy our groceries, magazines oozing out diet tips and tricks. As I hop onto social media, ads galore about food swaps and food demonization. And especially when we have the tv playing in the background for our dog, morning shows talking nonstop about weight loss and exercising with the intention of changing your body shape. It’s literally everywhere.

How To Start The New Year Without Shame From Diet Culture

How To Start The New Year Without Shame From Diet Culture

So it’s the beginning of the new year, the holidays have officially wrapped up, and everywhere you go, you hear or see about the latest diet trends that your friends, co-workers, and family members are doing. You may even begin to wonder what diet trend you should try out, because this time will be different. But before you fall into that trap, I want to stop you right there. This time of year can be so hard. It can be especially confusing. If you’ve been struggling with regret, shame, or guilt over the foods you’ve consumed over the past week or even past two months, I want you to give yourself grace. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there. The shaming, the regret, the guilt, the promising to work out ten times harder to “burn it all off.” But enough is enough.